Heroines of Sound: Mašinika Deliro

Heroines of Sound: Mašinika Deliro

July 13, 2024    
9:00 pm - 10:30 pm
Feminist, diverse, cross-genre: From July 11th to 13th, 2024, the “Heroines of Sound” festival presents early and current heroes from electronic sound to performance, sound [...]
Diluvio - Sinflut

Diluvio - Sinflut

June 30, 2024    
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Michelangelo Falvetti: Il diluvio universale (Sizilien, 1682) Soloists, Kantorei Passion, Aris & Aulis Baroque Orchestra, Musical Director: Johannes Stolte   Experience a panorama of musical [...]
Diluvio - Sinflut

Diluvio - Sinflut

June 29, 2024    
8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Michelangelo Falvetti: Il diluvio universale (Sizilien, 1682) Soloists, Kantorei Passion, Aris & Aulis Baroque Orchestra, Musical Director: Johannes Stolte   Experience a panorama of musical [...]
Diluvio - Sinflut

Diluvio - Sinflut

June 9, 2024    
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Michelangelo Falvetti: Il diluvio universale (Sizilien, 1682) in cooperation with Zwischenakt (https://zwischenakt.de/)   Kantorei Passion, Aris & Aulis Baroque Orchestra, Musical Director: Johannes Stolte
fesKa vol. 2

fesKa vol. 2

May 25, 2024    
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
15h-Exhibition,tarot18h-sake bar(s h i z u k u.)19h-Performances --Exihibision--・Ayane Kondo・yuki・Anastasios Savvopoulos・D!VE and Patrick・YonX ・tarot(Kanne,Pug) ---Concert--- start at 7pm -25th Ayane KondoTeppei HiguchiPhønix16 -26th ・Johannes von [...]
J.S. Bach: Matthäuspassion

J.S. Bach: Matthäuspassion

March 24, 2024    
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Mit Christina Elbe | Sopran Michael Taylor | Altus Nico Eckert | Tenor (Evangelist) Volker Nietzke | Tenor (Arien) Manuel Nickert | Bass (Jesus) Simon [...]
23 Mar

J.S. Bach: Matthäuspassion

March 23, 2024    
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Mit Christina Elbe | Sopran Michael Taylor | Altus Nico Eckert | Tenor (Evangelist) Volker Nietzke | Tenor (Arien) Manuel Nickert | Bass (Jesus) Simon [...]
radioPHØNIX Workshop

radioPHØNIX Workshop

January 15, 2024 - January 19, 2024    
12:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Radio is a global electronic organism, a large body of loudspeakers, microphones, transmitters and receivers, a mega instrument ready to be used. This is what [...]
Bach: Christmas Oratorio

Bach: Christmas Oratorio

December 17, 2023    
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Kantaten 4 - 6 | St. Gotthardtkirche Brandenburger Stadt- und Domchor, Solist:innen, Ensemble Kaiopolis und Gäste KMD Marcell Fladerer-Armbrecht – Leitung Eintritt: 20,– /ermäßigt 13,– [...]
Le Maschere Galanti: Cantata per il Santissimo Natale

Le Maschere Galanti: Cantata per il Santissimo Natale

December 4, 2023    
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Le Maschere Galanti continues its commitment to reviving neglected Baroque masterpieces by bringing to life a Christmas cantata by composer Carlo Francesco Cesarini, not performed [...]
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